As Investment Advisors, we confer with each client to assess their financial and retirement goals. Current income and other financial information are used to analyze income and tax status. In addition, personal and/or family circumstances are reviewed in combination with the financial data to best determine an investment strategy. An appropriate investment vehicle is then recommended and all necessary forms and documents are completed and submitted. Following account establishment, WASI monitors the markets on a daily basis paying special attention to the mutual fund groups we believe to be the best value. We continuously monitor other investment vehicles to insure that our recommendations are both appropriate and suitable to each client. We assist clients with any and all account functions (loans, distributions, etc.) to assure proper compliance and processing. We have found retirement accounts to be complicated and technical; hence we assist each client in determining the proper strategy in account management.


Our Goal

Our goal is to assist each client to achieve asset security and growth coupled with consistent financial independence with investments suitable to their individual financial circumstances.